Odd Dog Out Lesson Plan and Activity Pack

Odd Dog Out Lesson Plan and Activity Pack
Help children celebrate difference, diversity and uniqueness in an age-appropriate way, with our Odd Dog Out lesson plan and activity pack.
This lesson and additional activities will help children explore ideas around differences and individuality, and to ask the question “what is normal?”.
Created by teachers, for teachers, and peer-reviewed by our team of multi-disciplinary health experts, as with all Body Happy lesson plans and learning activities, this session is mapped to Ofsted and National Curriculum requirements but can be easily adapted for any curriculum.
This lesson is suitable for KS1 but can be adapted for younger children in EYFS and is based on the book Odd Dog Out by Rob Biddulph.
PSHE - Respectful Relationships (including the importance of respecting others, even when they are very different. Identifying stereotypes and their harmful impact).
Citizenship (including discussion skills, identifying and respecting similarities and differences).
Easily adaptable for any curriculum.
NOTE: This is a digital product. Upon purchase you will be sent a link to download your file. These materials are not for redistribution.