“Thank you for this masterclass! It’s really helped me think of new ways to approach this incredibly complex topic and think about it in sections as it were (the videos broken down into language, media etc). I really didn’t know where to start but this masterclass has helped to get the ball rolling and I feel more empowered to also put my foot down with how extended family speak about their bodies in front of my girls. As a primary teacher I’m also excited to take some of this knowledge back into the workplace and make a difference to the children in my care.”
“Thank you SO much. It has been so, so informative and helpful! I highly recommend this to anyone with children or who has children in their lives, as well as any fitness or health professional! The videos are clear, informative, engaging and really insightful. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it and think it is so worth it. The activity pack and course notes are such a brilliant addition too. I really think everyone needs to take part in this masterclass it’s just wonderful! I truly believe everyone can learn something, and pass it on to create a healthy, safe, inclusive life for the next generation. Thank you again!!! X”
“Thank you so much for creating the Masterclass. It is an absolute MUST for parents and caregivers of all children. Molly covers extremely important subjects such as body image, health, joyful movement and more - and she delivers it perfectly! I have learned so much this week about the importance of language and conversation when it comes to these subjects with our kids, as well as challenging the messages that we see and hear every day. Our kids really do deserve better and if you want to change the narrative then this is the best place to start.”
“Thankyou so much for putting on this masterclass and for doing what you do. I thought I was pretty aware of issues around body image and how to support my children but I have realised that I had not even scratched the surface of this huge issue. I have learnt so much from the videos and resources and now have a greater understanding of how complex this issue is and therefore how to approach it. There is still so much to learn but I am so grateful to you for sharing some of your knowledge. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone and think that all settings who care for children should have this knowledge.”