The Body Happy Org
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Why does body image matter?


The way we think and feel about our bodies affects our health and wellbeing, social relationships and how we show up in the wider world. Sadly, research shows children are questioning their bodies at a younger and younger age (as young as three years old in some cases) and the number of children feeling like their bodies aren’t good enough is increasing at a rapid rate. 

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The Books

By Molly Forbes, BHO Founder

Body Happy Kids: How to help children and teens love the skin they’re in

No parent wants their child to grow up with anything less than wholehearted confidence in themselves. Sadly research shows that children as young as five are saying they need to 'go on a diet' and over half of 11 to 16-year-olds regularly worry about the way they look. Campaigner and mum-of-two-girls Molly Forbes is here to help.


new release! for readers age 9+

Every Body: celebrate, respect and accept ALL bodies - especially your own

We all have a body. They don't always function the same as other people's. And they certainly don't all look the same. But one thing is certain ­- every body deserves respect. This is an essential guide to embracing and respecting all bodies, for readers aged 9+.

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